Monday, June 14, 2010

Top Ten Skills of a Good Cop That Have Little or Nothing to Do With Police Work

10.  Being able to drink a coffee while performing just about any other task, without spilling the coffee.  (I know, you're probably thinking, "big deal, everyone drinks coffee."  The other day I drank a coffee while riding my bicycle through a crowd of people.  It was good coffee too.)

9.  Typing.

8.  Being able to listen to the Phillies game, the police radio, and your babbling partner simultaneously, without missing anything.

7.  Giving directions.   Contrary to popular belief, cops don't always automatically know how to get to from one random destination to another.   However, we pretend that we do.  Side note - if your destination is outside of the jurisdiction of the cop that is giving you directions, travel at your own risk.  I once had a gentleman stop me and ask me how to get from West Chester to Memphis, Tennessee.  He was puzzled when I paused and asked him if he was serious.

6.  Writing in the dark. 

Ah, a cliffhanger.  Come back later for the top 5.

1 comment:

  1. my husband is a cop... he gives directions in his sleep! you're right on the money, Q.
