Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Supreme Court Justice Issued Traffic Ticket

Antonin Scalia, the 75 year old conservative Supreme Court Justice was issued a traffic citation for following too closely. He was on his was to work a few days ago, when he crashed his car into a car in front of him, causing a four car accident. I guess even one of the most powerful people in the world isn't immune to the (traffic) law.

Story here from The Associated Press

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Philadelphia Police Horses Named After Fallen Officers

In a ceremony last week, The Philadelphia Police Mounted Unit named five new horses after recently fallen Philadelphia Police Officers.  (Full story here)  As far as I'm concerned police horses are really cool.  These five just got a little cooler! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Local Officer to Be Recognized

Congratulations to Timothy Brooks, the Philadelphia Police Detective who jumped into the Delaware River last year after the Duck Boat sunk.  He saved four people that day, and on Friday he is to be awarded the Citizen Service Before Self Honors, an honor bestowed on just three people  in the United States this year.

Way to go Tim!

Monday, March 21, 2011

That's Not Mine!

Interesting story from Scranton. A woman arrested by police was founding possession of Heroine and cash. The intersting thing is WHERE she was hiding it. Click here to find out

A colleague of mine once arrested a woman and lodged her in a holding cell only o find put later that she'd hidden an electric hair clipper in the same place.

You really can't make up stuff like this.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dispute Between Two Delco PDs

Anyone familiar with Delaware County's Darby Borough has heard of Chief Smythe. Now, a dispute between Darby's chief and an officer from neighboring Colwyn Borough is being investigated by the county's criminal investigation division. Click here for full story

When this ones over, I'm afraid if will only be embarrassing - as if Delaware County police officers haven't been in the news enough lately (see cheating scandal)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Convicted Child Killer to be Released From Prison.

Ah yes, it seems that only here in our great country could an accused cannibal and convicted murderer of a 5 year old child be released from prison for "good behavior" more that 12 years before the end of his 40 year prison sentence.    Click here to be disgusted by the current events concerning convicted murderer Michael Woodmanese.

I've blogged about it several times before, but I still don't understand why we as a country are ok with murderers and other violent criminals being released from prison before the end of their sentences.  In this case, the victim's father, John Foreman, has stated that he'd like to kill Woodmanese if he's released early.  Are there any loving parents in the world that could blame Mr. Foreman?  The system is clearly failing here.  The government is failing to do its job.

My best wishes go to the family of the victim.     

Officer Involved Shooting in Coatesville

Friday morning at around 1:30am, officers in Coatesville City shot at a vehicle that attempted to run them over.  The incident occurred in the area of Chester Ave and Merchant Street, an area known for its drug and violent activity.  Chester County District Attorney Joe Carroll and his investigators have determined that the use or force was justified, although the investigation is ongoing. 

The names of the officers have not yet been released.  As a fellow law enforcement officer, I am happy to know that the officers are ok. 

Full story here at  the Daily Local News

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mix-Up in Missouri Hotel

Read the story linked here, and then let me know what you think.  There are no specifics, but authorities in Missouri say that Dan Hughes, of Conshohocken, molested a 9 year old girl he mistakenly got into bed with.  Apparently he was so drunk, he didn't know what room he was staying in and the hotel clerk gave him the wrong key.  I'm sure more will come to light as more details are released, if they ever make their way to the headlines. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Supreme Court...From Good to Bad

After reading about what I thought was one of the best rulings from the Supreme Court recently (see prior post), I read today about one of the worst ones.  (In my opinion, of course)  The Suprme Court ruled 8 to 1 that protestors are protected by theFirst Ammendent when it comes to protesting military funerals.  The Westboro baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, has been in the habit of protesting military funerals.  Apparently the Wingnuts from Westboro believe that god kills military personnell in Iraq and Aphganistan as punishment for our tolerance of homosexuality.  The Supreme Court agreed with their right of free speech.  Only Justice Sam Alito disagreed. Click here for more coverage

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Probably Boring for You But...

 This is probably not interesting for most of my readers, but it is quite interesting to me.   Little known fact about John Q. Police: He is interested in and follows criminal cases that are before the U.S. Supreme Court.

The most recent case and ruling that I find interesting, and of particular interest for police, and maybe even some of my readers, has to do with witness statements.  Particularly, it deals with "dying declarations", and a defendant's right to cross examine, or "confront his accusers".  In this case, Michigan v. Bryant, the defendant was convicted based on a dying declaration made by the victim in the case, who did eventually die and, therefore, was not available at trial.  Instead, police officers testified to what the victim told them (he told them the name of the person who shot him).  This is an example of hearsay, which is typically not allowed as evidence.  There are, however, a few exceptions to the hearsay rule, one of which is the dying declaration.

Of particular interest in this case to Supreme Court enthusiasts is Justice Scalia's and Justice Ginberg's dissenting opinions.  Neither Justice agreed with the decision of The Court.  Antonin Scalia is one of the most conservative people ever, and Ginsberg normally sides with the liberal Justices.  Scalia's colorful and cutting.  He all but calls the majority of The Court a bunch of idiots.

Anyway, if anyone has an hour to spare and you are interested, click the link to read the ruling of The Court, along with the dissenting opinions.  If you're anything like me, you'll have to read it two or three times to actually make sense of it.   To just get the gist of it, click here to go to's coverage.