Wednesday, June 23, 2010


With the continuing saga of shootings and street violence in our neighbor to the south, the City of Chester, I'm continually checking the Delaware County Daily Times and the Philadelphia Inquirer for coverage.  A few days ago, the Mayor of Chester ordered a State of Emergency, which, among other things,  allows police to enforce a curfew and prohibits people gathering in groups of three or more without first obtaining a permit.  Last week, a two year old boy was shot and killed by a thugs so called "stray bullet".  (click here for story)

And then today I read the front page and see that another thug, whose stray bullet killed an innocent woman, plead guilty this week.  He plead guilty to Involuntary Manslaughter and Conspiracy to Committ Aggravated Assault, according to the story in the Daily Times.   What's his sentence?  25 years, no not quite that long.  20, no not that long either.  15, getting closer.  11 to 23.  NOT YEARS but months.  11 to 23 months, in other words, one to two years in COUNTY JAIL!

Today I'm a frustrated citizen. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG, a year for killing someone. Unbelievable. all this appears to be a trade off because of a witnesses conflicting testimony I guess. Maybe someone got to the witness?
