Saturday, June 5, 2010

Medical Marijuana Munchies

Food For Thought: Interesting news story on medical marijuana in near by New Jersey.

I've hear a bunch of news coverage on the medical marijuana issue in New Jersey recently.  The link above does a good job comparing two states' medical marijuana laws and how they work in the real world.  It also makes me think about the many arguments in favor of legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana.


  1. I don't know if you follow the comment threads in the Daily Local, but nothing seems to spark more passionate debate than a marijuana bust like the one at 926/202 the other day.

  2. Wendy, I did follow that one. All it takes is to mention marijuana on the front age of the paper to spark some heated debate on the topic.

    Last time I checked it was still illegal in Pennsylvania.

  3. John Q,
    Interesting. A note on Chester County. In the late sixties Chester County was the #2 pot growing county in the United States right behind #1 Humboldt County, Ca. Wouldn't be too surprised there's quite a few tons growing around the county right now. Personally, I'd like to see the state legalize it and sell it just like they do with alcohol. Use the money to pay for more police officers to control the drunks in West Chester. More stoners, less alcoholics.

  4. Not a bad idea Joe. The revenue generated by legalizing weed would be a plus. I just worry that the government would some how find a way to mess it all up. Could you imagine the Marijuana Control Board and the Marijuana Control Enforcement wing of the State Police? Most people around would probably just drive to Delaware to buy their weed because there'd be more selection and it'd be much cheaper!

    Sarcasm included.

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