Monday, May 3, 2010

The Fuzz Buzz, Day One

This is it - my first blog post. So what do I blog about? Crime? Gun Control? The Death Penalty? DubFest? Jimmy Johns? Since I'm new to this, I'll start slowly and keep it simple.

I'm a police officer, and I have been for ten years. That's most of my adult life. People treat cops differently. Cops know this. For example, when I meet people in a social setting for the first time and they find out I'm a police officer they change immediately. Some get very uncomfortable, as if at any moment I might throw them against the wall and frisk them. Some immediately turn into 12 year old kids and want to know what type of gun I carry and when was the last time I shot someone. Some insist that I tell them some great story about work and then are disappointed when I can't think of one. Some seem confused and say stuff like "you're a cop, really?" as though cops aren't allowed to go to Christmas parties or happy hours. Fact is, for the most part, police are as run of the mill as the people at any other workplace. My point - if you meet a police officer at a party or at the next PTA meeting at school, don't ask him if he prefers a .40 to the .45 or if he's allowed to have a beer off duty. There's gotta be other stuff to talk about, right?

So anyway -
  • Crime? The lower the better.
  • Gun Control? Definitely a blog for another day.
  • The Death Penalty? See Gun Control.
  • DubFest? See, I don't think he's done talking about it yet.
  • Jimmy Johns? Best hot dogs ever. I hope they do what ever they have to do to re-open.

Hope to see some readers back here soon. Let's be careful out there...


  1. John Q,

    I very pleased that you are doing this. I'm one that over the years has learned to respect and admire the work, dedication ans sacrifice of our police. Believe me, I've seen it from both sides of the fence.My 11 years in West Chester has brought that appreciation to a whole new level as I've seen our officers respond calmly and professionally in every instant. Thanks for stepping up for the community.

  2. Thanks Joe, I appreciate it. As you know, community is all about cooperation. Looking forward to mutual blog reading! By the way, how'd you find the blog already, I don't even think its linked to DLN yet?

  3. I think some people are unfamiliar or otherwise not trusting of where the "line" stops between being a cop and a friend or acquaintance. This can make for an awkward situation for everyone. As an example, what if one of your friends sparks up a joint outside of the bar, are you compelled to do something about it and otherwise you may get in trouble? Maybe this gray area would make a good blog topic. Thanks for listening.

  4. Good point Jordan. A blog topic for another day, indeed. Briefly though, friend or not, if you have the audacity to "spark up" in my presence, you've crossed the "line".

    Thanks for reading.

  5. John Q,

    Your off to a great start with the blog and it is linked to DLN. Just click on the Media Lab link at the top of the home page. Maybe e-mail other police officers that your a community journalists. I can't wait to hear the comments roll in.

  6. Got it Joe. Thanks. I was a little slow going at first but I'm figuring it out.
