Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pennsylvania Self Defense Law Sitting on Governor's Desk

Right next to a cheese steak with extra onions, an ashtray full of cigarette butts, and a glass of scotch sits a bill that has passed though the PA legislature and must be signed by the governor to be made law.  The bill would expand a citizens right to use deadly force in Pennsylvania.  Essentially, right now, current PA law requires that a citizen facing danger first retreat from any danger, if possible, before using deadly force.  The main exception would be in one's own home.  The new law, however, would eliminate the duty to retreat.

Those who appose the new law, which include most police leaders and prosecutors, worry that it would increase violence and promote violence among criminals, or at least make criminal acts of violence more defensible in court.   Outspoken and media-friendly Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman told The Philadelphia Inquirer that she worried about the "level of violence it would authorize on our streets." 

So where do I weigh in on the issue?  Its a tough one.  I do not think that we should pass any law that makes it easier for criminals to be criminals or that makes it easier for criminals to "get away" with crimes, especially crimes of violence.  However, I firmly believe that law abiding citizens should not be limited as to where they can defend themselves or their family.  I think that if the bill is signed into law by Good 'Ol Fast Eddie, and if its enforced properly, it will be a good thing for the good citizens of Pennsylvania. 

I wonder what others, including other members of the law enforcement community think?  I'm all ears...


  1. Yes, It is a tough call. I can think of many senarios where this would be advantagous to the law abiding public, and it would assist the law abiding public in civil actions taken by would be criminals who sue these citizin in civil court. I can also see many situations that would make this a defense attorneys dream and a tough road for prosecutors. In the end this would be used by criminals as a way out of criminal sanctions and would be used on a regular basis for defense. In the end more criminals would be assisted by this new self defense law than the law abiding public. Criminals 1 Law Abiding public 0. if this gets signed.

  2. you have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that your life is in danger or you will seriously injured, disfigured or raped. Can't kill someone for shaking their fist and cursing at you or just saying they are going to shoot you. You have to see something like reaching for a gun or lunging at you with a baseball bat with a spike through it.

    There doesn't have to be an increase in case load . If it sounds justifiable they can not prosecute. They just are weanies and don't want to make that call. it's bad for their political careers.

    The bad guys still have to prove they were NOT responsible at all or involved in criminal activity to use the defense efeectively. I can't imagine loads of cases where the poor criminal crack-meth head is just walking down the street with his "legal" gun and is accosted by a thug and threatened with a gun and has to shoot. If he's a chronic offender crack head he is breaking the law having a gun so I can't imagine him calling the cops. It's a big smoke screen and another attempt to take away our rights. You have seconds to react and the cops will be there in a minutes

  3. This issue needs immediate attention. See the real problem is some of the ones in the positions to make these important decisions for us law abiders, may think that this can't be you in this situation. In reality it can be you, your family member, you son, daughter etc. We need concrete protection for those of us in the 'real world' because not all of us live in the suburbs. Please don't misunderstand me because I know crime is everwhere. Alot of crime happens in mainly poverty strickened areas. Therefore, what about those of us who can't afford a proper defense for a legitimate circumstance... I guess we go to jail wrongfully accused. As a parent, without a criminal record, I can not honestly say that I would be able to step aside if my children were with me. The comment about having seconds to react is so true and very scary to think you could go to jail for defending yourself... We need a better law and the LORD

  4. Thanks for the comment Da.....anonymous.

  5. It is NOT a tough call!!!!!!!! A person has the absolute right to defend his or hers life, their property and the welfare of his or her fellow citizans at any time and at any place. Enough of pampering criminals and their rights. We have the right to use deadly force to defend ourselves from a guy with a gun or knife or anything else that he has at his disposal to hurt you with . Too many people who have commited murder, rape, crimes against children get too lienant treatment for what they have done. Commit murder and the bleeding hearts want to put them in jail for life. The person whom they killed is dead and they are still alive. Don't think for one minute they are suffering in jail. They have computers, a library, all the drugs they want, three squares a day, all the sex they want, hell they even get paid money for the little jobs they have. Laugh at will people,,, but SPARE THE ROD>>>>SPOIL THE CHILD... Prison doesn't scare these people. You can pass all the gun laws in the world but guess what? The criminals DO NOT ABIDE BY THEM !!!That is why they are criminals. Wake up out of LALA land and treat them as they should be treated. Throw the switch on them. If they steal , cut off the hand that stole. Rape, cut off the appendadge that raped. ETC>>>ETC>>>ETC!!!!!!!!!!
