Monday, August 2, 2010

Gun Control, More or Less

Who carries guns?  Cops and Robbers carry them, and that's about it.  At least that the impression you'd get if you believed the newspapers, TV shows, and movies.  When it comes to gun control, I think politicians believe the newspapers, TV, and movies.  Politicians are generally in one of two camps. They are either "pro gun" and would suggest every citizen own at least three guns, whether they want to or not.  Then there are the anti gunners.  They think that guns are synonymous with Satan, crime, and war.  They use terminology made up solely for the news media like "brandish" and "assault rifle."

While I don't have and Second Amendment tattoos, nor do I say a prayer for Charlton Heston every night, I do wish that more law abiding citizens chose to train and arm themselves.  You may ask why I feel that way.  (of course, you might not care either, and that's fine too!)  Well, read the Dailylocal today.  One of the top stories is about an armed robber/robbers that were recently apprehended by police.  I can't help but wonder two things:

First, what would have happened to this idiots if they would have robbed me, or another armed citizen?

Second, would those idiots, and future wanna be idiots, think twice before robbing someone if they knew there was a likelihood that their would-be victims would be armed?

So, should there be more or less gun control?  I think there should be more to the degree that it should be harder for criminals and ne'er-do-wells to get them.  Moreover, when they are caught with them, they should be punished, really punished.

When it comes to the good citizens, I think there should be less gun control.  Law abiding men and women shouldn't be prohibited from buying ammunition.  They shouldn't be taxed out the wazoo for it either.  Nor should they be prohibited from purchasing a particular sized gun or magazine just because a particular state legislature or city council thinks that 9 bullets are ok, but 10 bullets should be prohibited.

I hope I am never robbed at gunpoint.  If I am, I hope its before politicians say I can't arm myself.


  1. Amen! The problem with gun control is that those who are going to use guns for some antisocial purpose are -- what, children? That's right! Criminals. So by definition they don't obey the rules. The only ones who DO obey the rules are us law-abiding folks, who want to protect ourselves against the bad guys.
