Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Adult Crime, Adult Punishment

By now, the few readers I might have probably already know that I think our justice system needs a swift kick in the butt.  Most importantly, I think that criminals who commit serious crimes need severe punishments.  To see murderers, robbers, burglars and other violent thugs get light sentences is sickening.  Too often I see or read of some thug getting out of prison after as little as a few months for serious crimes.  Well, add juvenile offenders to my list.  If you commit a serious crime, why should you get a better break just because you are under 18?

I'm reminded of the 17 year old who shot his friend at a drunken party in Edgmont Township a few years ago.  It sickened me to learn that a judge sentenced him as a juvenile, essentially maxing out his punishment when he turned 21, as if turning 21 magically rehabilitates anyone.  All to often juvenile thugs seem to get the undeserved breaks, because they are juveniles.  Moreover, its because we want to BELIEVE that they can be rehabilitated and pointed down the right path.  Well, that fine for non-violent, and less serious crimes, but, as far as I'm concerned, those breaks should not be available to those juvenile thugs who commit serious crimes.  Do we honestly believe as citizens that just because someone is 17, or 16, or 15, that we can change a lifetimes worth of thug-programming and make lemonade out of the criminal lemons?   In my experience, the answer is no.

I've been told that to do this would be to "give up" on these young offenders.  I agree, and I'm tired of wasting taxpayer money to try to save those who don't want to be and / or can't be saved.  Lets give up on the thugs and devote time and energy (and if need be, taxpayers' money) to good people, not criminals.

So at what age do I suggest giving up on young thugs and treating them as adults?  Good question.  15?  14? 11?

Maybe a topic for next time.   

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