Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dispute Between Two Delco PDs

Anyone familiar with Delaware County's Darby Borough has heard of Chief Smythe. Now, a dispute between Darby's chief and an officer from neighboring Colwyn Borough is being investigated by the county's criminal investigation division. Click here for full story

When this ones over, I'm afraid if will only be embarrassing - as if Delaware County police officers haven't been in the news enough lately (see cheating scandal)


  1. i work with a guy who slammed my leg in a car door too

  2. Ha ha. I work with guys who have been Tasered and peppersprayed by co-workers but, supposedly it's always been accidental!

  3. My partner hit me with a jack once. I think it was an accident but it still hurt like hell. I gassed him during the same confrontation. That really was an accident. Really. My other partner sprayed the brim of my hat with CS gas. I wondered why every time I wore my hat my forehead would get irritated and a nice read streak across it. I dont think that was an accident. After a domestic, I accidentally got into the K9 car instead of my own. Luckily the K9 thought it was an accident and just banged his head into my shoulder and looked at my like "hey stupid ass. Get out of my car". I almost had an accident right then and there. I'm sure if Smythe slammed the door on the Colwyn guy it had to be just an accident.

  4. I know that guy John. I've also been an victim of his "Accidental" sprays, tasing and asp'ings

  5. Here is the full version vid of the incident. Action starts around 3 mins. Listen close. Unfortunately, what happened, if it happened doesn't sound like an accident. Would ahve been nice if it was then they could all go have a beer and laugh but this one won;t leval anyone laughing
